Demo: TMF Migration, Inspection, and Storage in Kivo


Whether you are actively considering your own eTMF system or are simply looking to learn more about Kivo, this demo is an opportunity to learn:

  • TMF Migration: How to get your files into Kivo from all stakeholders
  • TMF Inspection: How to leverage reporting to identify missing material ahead of time, and how to grant inspector access when needed.
  • TMF Storage: Learn how Kivo makes storage both cost effective and compliant, leveraging quarterly data checks to ensure data integrity.

Join Kivo's CEO Toban Zolman to learn how Kivo makes the management of your TMF simple and cost effective.

Date: July 13th, 2023

Time: 10am PST (1pm EST)

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About the Presenter

Toban Zolman is CEO of Kivo, a software provider focused on streamlining the drug development process for emerging life science companies. Toban has extensive experience solving complex business challenges using software. Toban was an early employee at Regulatory software pioneer ISI, helping shape the transition to electronic submissions. He has worked with dozens of the largest global pharmaceutical companies to define business processes around clinical and regulatory processes. 

Asset 1@2x

eTMF Reference Model

Kivo organizes documents using the familiar eTMF reference model making it fast to learn and easy to train.


Integrated Digital Signatures

Customizable Collaboration, Review, and Approval workflows with Part-11 Compliant Digital Signatures.

Asset 3@2x

Economical, straightforward pricing

Comprehensive pricing gives you access to every Kivo feature, and ongoing releases.


Smart Document Placeholders

Reuse content, assign documents to users, and always have visibility into when content will be completed.

Clinical Document Management That Works Like You Do.


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